What Is EMsculpt?

What Is EMsculpt?

We can’t always contour our bodies the way we want with daily exercise and a good diet. When participating in EMsculpt treatments, the EMsclupt results will allow our patients to walk out of our center confident in themselves and their decision to participate in this specialized treatment. What is EMsculpt, many will ask? Our certified professionals at Premier Spa and Laser Center, Delaware med spa, are here to explain the process behind this treatment and the results our clients will expect following the procedure.

What is EMsculpt?

EMsculpt is the only non-invasive procedure that contours the body for both men and women while also helping burn fat and build muscle. EMsculpt utilizes high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to cause deep muscle stimulation. As a result, receive the most outstanding EMsculpt results with no sweating required at our spa in Newark DE!

Are You The Perfect Candidate For EMsculpt?

EMsculpt Results

It could take multiple sessions to reach their goals for our clients to receive their ideal results. EMsculpt results are not a permanent fix, but the muscle gained from the treatment may last, on average, six months or more. Following the treatment, our clients will see visible results, but results will improve over time. Previous patients have noticed positive results two to four weeks after their final EMsculpt session at our spa in Newark DE.

Premier Spa and Laser Center | EMsculpt Results

Our certified experts at Premier Spa and Laser Center, Spa Newark, DE, are here to ensure our clients are confident and comfortable in their bodies! When receiving our EMsculpt treatment, we provide only positive results. EMsculpt is a perfect treatment to help contour the body of both men and women who are already in great shape and have a healthy diet. This procedure is not a solution to weight gain but a solution to sculpt and tone the muscle our patients have worked hard for on their own. Are you still asking yourself, what is EMsculpt? Contact our certified professionals at our Spa Newark, DE, to answer all your questions.

Premier Spa and Laser Center | EMsculpt Results


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